
Risky Business: Proactively Planning for Risk in Customer Success

Wouldn’t it be nice to have a superpower that allowed us to see into the future? We could prepare for the unexpected, saving time and money and preventing roadblocks from ever getting in the way of desired outcomes in the first place. It would be nice (although things might get a little boring).   As far […]

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How to Apply RA(S)CI Principles in Customer Success (and a FREE Template!)

If you’re wondering, “What the heck is RA(S)CI, and why should I care?” it’s okay! I’m here to help. And even if you’ve heard of it (or even used it) in the past, a refresher might come in handy. While it is a pretty common tool, not every team or company takes advantage of its […]

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The Sales to CS Handoff and the Triangle of Trust

I spend a lot of time thinking about what makes exceptional stand out amidst a sea of great. What is it about those who cut through the noise? I find myself circling back to one aspect time and time again. Little moments. Small but impactful inflection points. Today, many companies have these planned touchpoints scattered […]

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3 Steps to Getting Sales on Board with Your Customer Success Plan

Customer Success Plans are key to starting your customer relationships off on the right foot. CSMs use them to guide their first interactions with the customer, helping them clarify and set expectations, set up an action plan for moving forward, and establish critical milestones to work toward through the customer journey. They’re a great way […]

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Change Management in Customer Success: A Step-By-Step ADKAR Example

Customer Success is all about change. Changing processes. Changing systems. Changing the game. Yet, most CS professionals don’t take advantage of the benefits of extremely valuable change management principles. An entire philosophy dedicated to making change easier for people, and we’re not using it!? Change management in Customer Success means taking a proactive, forward-thinking approach […]

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6 Guiding Principles for Conducting a Killer Executive Business Review (EBR)

At a certain point, you’ve onboarded your customer, they’re up and running, and they’re using your product regularly. It’s time to sit back, relax, and pat yourself on the back for a job well done. LOL. In your dreams! Of course, as your customers move through the many phases of the customer journey, Customer Success […]

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What’s in a Name? The Many Uses of “CSP” in Customer Success

Let’s say you’re reading an article about Customer Success. (Not exactly a leap of imagination, is it? 😆). Then, without explanation, the author uses the acronym CSP. Without any other context, do you know what it stands for? In Customer Success, we do use a lot of three-letter acronyms, and they can get pretty confusing. […]

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5 Key Takeaways from The Customer Conference Europe 2022

I was lucky enough to attend The Customer Conference Europe 2022 in London, and after taking in what was a very full two days of information, thoughts, opinions, and interaction, I’ve untangled all that I experienced and observed to come away with five key points that really resonated: 1. Customer Success is not one-size-fits-all I […]

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Rants of a Customer Success Analyst: That’s a Wrap…. For Now

Welcome to the end. The last three months have passed by so quickly and we’ve covered a lot in this series— The role of Customer Success Analysts and the impact we can have, not only on the Customer Success organization, but the entire company, in bringing cross-functional collaboration and alignment. How to start small with […]

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Rants of a Customer Success Analyst: Bungee Jumping and the Adoption Leap

The Reason   The bridge looks old. It looks to have once been an operating railroad bridge, now reinforced and refurbished to serve its current purpose. My wife, Jenny, and I take our first step onto the bridge and start the trek to the middle; I can see off in the distance where they’ve set […]

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