
AI can be many things – making it work for employees can be the key to your success as a leader

    At this point, it’s an obvious understatement to say that there’s recently been a lot of excitement about Artificial Intelligence (AI). But let’s be frank. Its more of a feeding frenzy. Which reminds me. I read a report this week that said that all the great white sharks have left South African waters. […]


Advanced Digital Modalities in Customer Success

Everybody loves to think about the exciting technologies our future might hold. From eagerly anticipating the flying cars of The Jetsons to imagining algorithms like ChatGPT taking the business world by storm, people love dreaming about possibility. In Customer Success, we don’t always get the opportunity to think too far ahead. CS leaders usually focus […]


The 5 Key Areas of Responsibility for Customer Success Operations

The 5 Key Areas of Responsibility for Customer Success Operations Customer Success Operations is a hot topic these days for good reason. Teams are learning to do more with less as economic challenges clash with new opportunities in the digital space. Having a CS Ops team is no longer the exception; it’s the rule. As […]


Peter’s Perspective: Math explains a lot of things but not everything

Written by Peter Armaly   I love math. I’m not saying I’m good at it. I’m just saying I love it. And the reasons are: Numbers don’t lie. People lie. But on their own, numbers just stare you in the face and what you see is what is meant. Without math, nothing in the physical […]


Peter’s Perspective: Monetize Customer Success? Curb your enthusiasm

Written by Peter Armaly   Want the executive summary of this article? Don’t rush to monetize CS before conducting a thorough study. And there’s a spoiler… it’s way harder to monetize than you think and you’re not going to find much information in the public realm about what conducting a thorough study entails. I feel […]


Rants of a Customer Success Analyst: The E-Book

ESG presents….Rants of a Customer Success Analyst: a real, raw, authentic, and curious look into Customer Success Operations & Analytics. Jump into the mind of ESG’s Senior Customer Success Analyst, Justin Garlock as he uses real-life, personal experiences to deliver insight into the world of customer success operations and analytics. Learn what crocheting and customer […]


The Evolution of Business Growth Models: The Path to Customer-Centricity

Let’s look back, way back, to the earliest business transactions. For the longest time, there have been sellers and there have been buyers. A seller would hang a shingle and show off their wares. A buyer would purchase the items they needed, and the transaction was complete. Business operated this way – with some added […]


How Long Does It Actually Take to Build a Customer Success Organization?

Written by Sheik Ayube   It depends on whether you want it to last. Looking for an easy answer to a complex question is human nature. We all do it. Our brains are super computers biased toward finding the most efficient (and often easiest) solution. It’s our instinctive reflex when faced with the unknown because […]


Peter’s Perspective: Customer Success Mantra: A One Act Play

Written by Peter Armaly   (Director’s voice: Okay, you’ve practiced the mantra. I’ve heard you say it a hundred times now and I have to say it comes across in the spirit and the intonation of the Buddha himself. So, here’s the scene. When the curtain rises and the lights come up, you’re going to […]


Peter’s Perspective: Imagine the Possibilities of a Well-Educated Customer

Written by Peter Armaly A few years ago, I was thirty minutes away from delivering a presentation in front of an internal audience of senior leaders. My boss finally found a moment to review and critique the slide deck I sent to him a week before. His only words? “Don’t bury the lede” I wanted […]


The Customer Success Maturity Model

As Customer Success practitioners, we know that everyone would love a how-to manual with all the best ways to implement and grow their CS organizations. From the beginning, we’ve been dedicated to helping businesses navigate this emerging discipline. What we’ve learned is that there is no one “right” way to do Customer Success. But there […]


Peter’s Perspective: Becoming a Better Leader Through the Thousand Quiet Moments

Written by Peter Armaly “A painting to me is primarily a verb, not a noun, an event first and only secondarily an image.” – Elaine de Kooning, 1918-1989 I’ve never been completely comfortable with the mantra being repeated in some corners that companies can grow by focusing solely on their existing customers. It’s too simple […]