How to Close the Loop in Voice of the Customer (VoC) Programs (For Real)
Voice of the Customer (VoC) programs are extremely valuable for collecting customer feedback and deeper insights into the health of your customer relationships. A good VoC program is comprehensive and involves gathering feedback from many different channels. The best VoC programs not only collect and analyze customer data and feedback from a variety of sources, […]
read moreThe Customer Success Roadshow and You: Why CS Leaders Need to Go on Tour
Customer Success leaders have a lot in common with rockstars. We’re all excellent storytellers. We are energetic about our work. We aim to deliver the absolute best experiences imaginable. We do well in front of crowds (i.e., customers). And we both go on tour. As a CS leader, you might not be as familiar with […]
read moreFeeling Stuck? Maybe You Need a Shift in Perspective
There’s a good chance that if you are a Customer Success leader, your workday began by logging in and reviewing your CS metrics dashboard. Checking to see how the teams’ effort yesterday affected today’s retention rates, the number of customers whose health score were improved, customers lagging on adoption and TFV realization, and customers whose […]
read moreThe Transition from Traditional to SaaS: 5 Tips to Get You Through the Growing Pains
As businesses embrace the everything-as-a-service transformation, some find it more difficult than others to make the shift to SaaS. The larger and more established your company is, the harder it is to navigate this monumental change. Think about everything that goes into the operation of a multi-billion-dollar enterprise. Now, mix in a move away from […]
read more5 Customer Success New Year’s Resolutions for 2023
It’s no secret that 2022 was a little bumpy for business, yet we saw many Customer Success leaders meeting industry challenges head-on. While it’s hard to predict what will happen in 2023, we all still try to plan ahead as much as possible. For many of us, that means taking stock of our near and […]
read moreBumps and Breakthroughs: 5 Customer Success Predictions for 2023
Last year, the team at ESG made a few predictions about 2022 and how the Customer Success industry would evolve in the coming year. Needless to say, no one could have predicted the wild ride the year turned out to be, but we got a few things right. According to the 2022 Customer Success Leadership […]
read moreCapacity Planning in Customer Success
As presenters at ChurnZero’s BIG RYG 2022, Jordan Olivero and I discussed segmentation, tiering, and capacity planning in our session: Financial Modeling for Customer Success: From the Top Down and Bottom Up. The question 100+ CS leaders showed up to answer was: “How do I cover my entire install base of customers in the most […]
read moreThe Many Pieces and Parts of Customer Success Operations
It’s a commonly held concept that Customer Success Operations is Customer Success for the Customer Success team. I actually don’t personally love this analogy, but, like so many other aspects of CS, the definition of CS Ops is ever-evolving. In earlier stages of Customer Success Maturity, people tend to wear many hats, and operations can […]
read moreIs a Pooled CSM Model Right for You?
When people talk about scaling Customer Success, they usually mean adding digital capabilities into the mix. While you probably know by now that I’m a huge fan of Digital Customer Success, I think it’s important to acknowledge that this is not the only path to optimizing engagement as your customer base grows. If we think […]
read moreWhy Segmentation and Tiering Are Not the Same
I’m just going to come right out and say it. It might break some hearts, but it’s important to get this out there. Customer segmentation and tiering are not the same thing! If you’re sitting there thinking, “of course, I know that. Don’t be silly!” Then, I’m relieved. But I still see far too many […]
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