
The Importance of Account Segmentation for Customer Success

You wouldn’t shop for furniture at the grocery store. You wouldn’t ask your accountant for help with child care. Why? Because there is a method to breaking things apart into what makes sense. Customer segmentation isn’t all that different. It makes sense that we divide our customers and prospects into various groups based upon their […]

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How Customer Success Data Can Impact Strategy Company-Wide

Your Customer Success efforts generate a lot of data, from product usage to customer behavior to adoption and renewal rates. But how are you supposed to use all that data? Think of the data as the raw ingredients you can buy from the grocery store. You can buy the highest quality ingredients or you can […]

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Diamonds in the Rough: Finding Growth Opportunities in Your SMB Customers

As of 2018, there were slightly over 30 million small businesses in the United States. The number of businesses with more than 500 employees? Only 120,000. What this means is that small businesses are an enormous opportunity for any B2B software as a service (SaaS) business. If you can get in on the ground floor […]

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Who Owns Your Customer Communication? Marketing or Customer Success?

Fact: keeping customers is more cost effective than adding new ones. The numbers vary depending on industry, time scale, and who you ask, but the consensus is that it’s five to ten times more expensive to acquire a new customer than it is to retain an existing one. Furthermore, existing customers are more likely to […]

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Customer Success Tools: The New ATM?

In the 1980s, ATMs started to become widespread in banks across the country. Bank customers didn’t have to go up to the counter or interact with a human being at all in order to make a deposit or withdrawal, and tellers were worried. They thought ATMs would replace them, making their jobs unnecessary and at […]

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How To Measure Customer Adoption

Imagine one of those food subscription services that sends you the ingredients to easily make meals at home — we’ll call it FoodBox. You sign up for a FoodBox subscription that sends you five dinners for the week, and the box arrives the following Monday. As it turns out, some of the recipes are too […]

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