
Dark Matter Data and AI-Driven Innovation: the Future is Here

Lisa Palmer
Chief AI Strategist
AI Leaders
Here are two statements for Customer Success, Sales, Support, and Marketing professionals to ponder:

1. “Despite the fact that 80% of all data will be controlled by enterprises by 2025, 40–90% of this data goes unused, or is “dark” –  Scott Snyder, a senior fellow at Wharton’s Mack Institute for Innovation Management and Chief Digital Officer at EVERSANA

2. “The rise of AI is shifting prediction from humans to machines… this sets the stage for a flourishing of new decisions that will have profound implications for system-level innovation.” – authors of the new book, Power and Prediction: The Disruptive Economics of Artificial Intelligence

What might this mean for organizations that are focused on improving the customer experience or helping them realize value from their investment? We’re betting that it will mean a lot and that the way jobs are performed, how products are developed, and how service is delivered will be radically transformed over the next few years.

During this session, host Peter Armaly was joined by Lisa Palmer. Lisa has had a long and illustrious career in tech working for Microsoft, Gartner, Teradata, and until recently, at Splunk as their Chief Technical Advisor. She’s now the Chief AI Strategist at AI Leaders, a consulting and advisory firm, while also nearing completion of her Doctorate.

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