
Fundamentals: Basic Leading and Lagging Indicators in Customer Success

Leading and lagging indicators provide useful ways to look at the cause and effect relationship among various KPIs. It can get a bit complicated the deeper you dive. To keep things simple, think about breaking things down to an ACTIONS=RESULT equation, where leading indicators represent the action and lagging indicators the result. To apply this, […]

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Fundamentals: Focus on Retaining your Mid-tier Customers

Here we are in the midst of “the dog days of summer.” That time when productivity ebbs and new customer acquisition slows down. It seems people are more focused on vacations with the family and road trips to the beach than they are on actual business. Who can blame you for soaking up those last […]

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Diamonds in the Rough: Finding Growth Opportunities in Your SMB Customers

As of 2018, there were slightly over 30 million small businesses in the United States. The number of businesses with more than 500 employees? Only 120,000. What this means is that small businesses are an enormous opportunity for any B2B software as a service (SaaS) business. If you can get in on the ground floor […]

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Customer Retention Strategy: Measuring & Managing Subscription Consumption

The need to measure product utilization and/or subscription consumption is a no-brainer. Usage metrics are critical indicators of how well your products are helping customers achieve their desired outcomes, which in turn influences your customer retention strategy. If usage is low, odds are that your customer sees little if any value in your solution. And […]

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