
Building a Beautiful Sales to Customer Success Handoff (+ a FREE Checklist!)

I’ve talked before about how important it is to get everyone on board with the mission of Customer Success. When we’re not all on the same page, silos persist, and they, in turn, impact customer satisfaction. Silos prevent Customer Success from establishing a robust and consistent customer experience across the entire customer journey. They hurt […]

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Noteworthy Findings Being Reported in Customer Success Today

In Customer Success, we use data for all sorts of things like analyzing customer health scores, looking for trends in Voice of the Customer (VoC) programs, and capacity planning for short and long-term strategic decision making. If you know anything about us here at ESG, you know that we love data! Big data, small data, […]

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How to Close the Loop in Voice of the Customer (VoC) Programs (For Real)

Voice of the Customer (VoC) programs are extremely valuable for collecting customer feedback and deeper insights into the health of your customer relationships. A good VoC program is comprehensive and involves gathering feedback from many different channels. The best VoC programs not only collect and analyze customer data and feedback from a variety of sources, […]

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The Customer Success Roadshow and You: Why CS Leaders Need to Go on Tour

Customer Success leaders have a lot in common with rockstars. We’re all excellent storytellers. We are energetic about our work. We aim to deliver the absolute best experiences imaginable. We do well in front of crowds (i.e., customers). And we both go on tour. As a CS leader, you might not be as familiar with […]

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The Transition from Traditional to SaaS: 5 Tips to Get You Through the Growing Pains

As businesses embrace the everything-as-a-service transformation, some find it more difficult than others to make the shift to SaaS. The larger and more established your company is, the harder it is to navigate this monumental change. Think about everything that goes into the operation of a multi-billion-dollar enterprise. Now, mix in a move away from […]

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5 Customer Success New Year’s Resolutions for 2023

It’s no secret that 2022 was a little bumpy for business, yet we saw many Customer Success leaders meeting industry challenges head-on. While it’s hard to predict what will happen in 2023, we all still try to plan ahead as much as possible. For many of us, that means taking stock of our near and […]

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Inaugural Customer Success Leadership Study Validates Growth of Industry

At ESG, we’ve gone all-in on the future of Customer Success. Our Customer Success as a Service® model means that it’s our job to understand all the industry’s challenges, and then develop and perfect the strategies and philosophies that empower CS organizations to face those challenges head-on. Part of our work is collecting data that […]

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7 New Year’s Resolutions for Customer Success

New Year’s Resolutions – either you love them or you hate them. But, if you’ve got a goal-setting mindset, they can be a useful tool. Whether you are one of those hit-the-gym, reorganize-your-life, use the New Year to envision a new you types, or simply the type to harness the calendar shift to plan ahead, […]

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