
Is Your Training Evolving? Modalities You Should Know & Use

Ensuring that your customers are well-educated and well-trained on how to use that awesome software they just purchased is key to ensuring that they actually use it. According to TSIA, 87% of software users are able to work more independently after taking training. Since independence in utilizing a new tool is critical to making it […]

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So, What’s an Acceptable Churn Rate?

From customer satisfaction to revenue, SaaS companies have many factors to worry about when it comes to keeping their business not only afloat, but also thriving. One such factor: What is your churn rate, and what can you do to decrease it? Reality check: these are critical questions, but they don’t have such a straightforward […]

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Outsource – A Dirty Word?

As a function of my role as Business Development Manager at ESG, I spend a lot of time talking with Customer Success leaders. And from those conversations, I’ve found that many of them very much dislike the idea of outsourcing any part of their business. In fact, I recently spoke with a gentleman who boldly […]

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Customer Success Tools: The New ATM?

In the 1980s, ATMs started to become widespread in banks across the country. Bank customers didn’t have to go up to the counter or interact with a human being at all in order to make a deposit or withdrawal, and tellers were worried. They thought ATMs would replace them, making their jobs unnecessary and at […]

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