
Rants of a Customer Success Analyst: That’s a Wrap…. For Now

Welcome to the end. The last three months have passed by so quickly and we’ve covered a lot in this series— The role of Customer Success Analysts and the impact we can have, not only on the Customer Success organization, but the entire company, in bringing cross-functional collaboration and alignment. How to start small with […]

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Rants of a Customer Success Analyst: Bungee Jumping and the Adoption Leap

The Reason   The bridge looks old. It looks to have once been an operating railroad bridge, now reinforced and refurbished to serve its current purpose. My wife, Jenny, and I take our first step onto the bridge and start the trek to the middle; I can see off in the distance where they’ve set […]

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Rants of a Customer Success Analyst: Data-Driven Decisions & Decisions to Drive Data

The Reason Confession time—I like collecting hardcover books…but not just for the obvious reason of reading them. Don’t misunderstand me, I have read a good number of the books on my bookshelves, and of course I have favorites that I’ll read once or twice a year. But I also have books in my home that […]

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Rants of a Customer Success Analyst: Impossible Shot – Forecasting in Customer Success

The Reason Recently, I was in a very intense game of Topgolf with two of my friends and colleagues, Sheik Ayube and Peter Armaly (VPs of Business Development and Customer Success, respectively, here at ESG). I want to be completely honest here at the beginning; no extended metaphors or analogies to get this point across. […]

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Rants of a Customer Success Analyst: Crocheting Chains – Customer Health Scores

The Reason Well… we’ve officially entered June—the final month of our second quarter here at ESG, and the final month of this series. For those of you who are still with me and are continuing to read and find value in these rants, thank you. For those of you who I lost as soon as […]

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Rants of a Customer Success Analyst: The Chase is On!

The Reason I’m nine years old, sitting on the long bench in the back of the minivan my parents bought a year or two ago. My older and younger brothers are sitting in their own personal seats in the middle row, my mom in the front passenger seat, my dad’s driving. Why do I always […]

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TSIA World Interact 2022: Key Takeaways

A collaboration piece with Peter Armaly, Nick Mitchell, and Sheik Ayube Justin Garlock Customer Success Analyst Peter Armaly VP of Customer Success Nick Mitchell Program Manager, Partner Success Sheik Ayube VP of Business Development   It’s easy to forget how many different types of shoes there are in the world: heels, wingtips, wedges, loafers, even […]

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Rants of a Customer Success Analyst: The Chase in Customer Success

The Reason It’s a normal day so far. Pre-pandemic when I went into an office every day. The commute this morning was long—typical combination of traffic and Cincinnati construction. I just got back from lunch with my friend and coworker Gary—double reward points day at our local sandwich shop somehow makes roast beef taste better. […]

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Rants of a Customer Success Analyst: Scenario Based NPS – Metrics Part 2

The Reason In middle school, I wasn’t athletic by any rendition of the word: I averaged about a twenty-one-minute mile, couldn’t lift my own body weight, and would have been lucky if I managed a handful of knee push-ups during physical fitness testing in gym class. Despite my lack of strength or stamina, I always […]

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Rants of a Customer Success Analyst: A Call in the Night – Empathy-Driven Action

The Reason The year is 2008 and I just turned 18 a few months back; I’m still living at home with both my parents and my two brothers—I’m the middle child (if you hadn’t guessed that already). It’s only been about six months since I graduated high school, so I still have at least six […]

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