
2021 Customer Success Leadership Study Results Reveal Resilience and Growing Influence

It’s here! The 2021 Customer Success Leadership Study is out! I don’t know about you, but I love data. Numbers are the best. Especially when they are telling a story about how Customer Success is booming. I don’t want to spoil it for you, but that’s what we’re seeing in the second year of producing […]

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The First 3 Things You Need to Start Your Customer Success Center of Excellence

While Centers of Excellence (CoEs) have been popular drivers of improvement in organizations like Marketing, HR, and IT, they haven’t quite caught on in Customer Success (yet). We believe that’s about to change. Our recent webinar focused on the topic of CoEs in CS, where we learned how some industry leaders have already begun reaping […]

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5 Things to Consider When Evaluating Your CS Tech Stack

It’s never too early to start building your CS tech stack. The earlier you start, the faster you’ll be able to create an effective, scalable, long-term Customer Success strategy. Getting an early start on building your CS tech stack also allows you to experiment with an array of different tools so that you can make […]

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The Purpose and Power of Customer Success Evangelism

As Customer Success professionals, we are often considered the “trusted advisors” to our customers. We are the face of the company to the customer and the face of the customer to our internal teams. We hold in high prestige the role of being the “go-to” for all things post-sale so we can maintain the relationship […]

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Webinar Q&A: Why High Touch and Tech Touch Should Be Friends, Not Enemies

ESG’s own Madeline Evans, Britt Layman, and Marley Wagner joined last week’s ChurnZero webinar to discuss how high touch and tech touch engagement models can co-exist in Customer Success. Watch it here if you missed it! They answered a number of audience questions during the session (recapped here on ChurnZero’s blog), but there were so […]

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How Internal Engagement Can Promote Strong Customer Success

Customer Success is all about relationships. Your relationship with your customers, of course, but also the CS team’s relationship with other internal groups, and even their relationship with executive leadership. One critical relationship that tends to get pushed to the bottom of the priority list is CS leadership’s relationship with their own team. It’s easy […]

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The 5 Phases of Digital Customer Success Maturity

One of my biggest professional pet peeves is when people think that automation means eliminating personalization or human connection. Newsflash: if that’s happening with your automation, you’re doing it wrong. Whether we’re talking about attracting new customers or strengthening the bonds with your current customers, this (surprisingly common) misconception has got to go – especially […]

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Guiding SaaS Customers to Be More Autonomous…and Why It’s Important

Customers actively seek out more autonomy in order to speed up day-to-day decision-making. Your customers want to interact with your product, but they want to do so in their own time and – on their own terms. If you facilitate autonomy, you’re very likely to see increased loyalty, advocacy, improved product adoption, and reduced churn […]

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Why Tech Touch Isn’t Only for Your Tail

Digital Customer Success is for everyone! In an ideal world, every customer gets one-on-one time with their Customer Success Manager, and there are enough Customer Success Managers to fulfill every request without overwhelming your CS team. What a beautiful world that would be! But we live in reality, where time and resources are not, in […]

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In-App Engagement Software: Your Friendly Neighborhood CS Tool

Here’s a riddle for you. How many CSMs would it take to walk each and every one of your new customers through a detailed tutorial of your product, one-on-one? Now, how many would it take if you grow your customer base by 50%? 100%? While it may sound dramatic, it’s not a far-fetched scenario for […]

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